"FAITH and Unfinished Business"

Comments about God, faith, joy, sorrow and growth

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Kamal Saleem converted to the Christian faith, from his national religion of Islam.

His address to more than 500 people in Ashland Ohio, as the key note speaker for the National Day of Prayer was full of warning.

He told of his former terrorist training at the bidding of Saddam Hussein, of carrying out missions in the Middle East and Europe, and being sent to America to convert Christians and Jews to Islam.

He reminded the crowd that, indeed, a unified Muslim front is bent on infiltrating America as its course to world domination. He stated simply that Christians should be aware that Allah and God are not the same deities.

The one nation of Islam under Allah, is in jihad (holy war) to bring the non-Muslim world under their control. The Muslim world believes from childhood up, that the US and Israel are Satan. They are also taught that liberty, freedom and pursuit to happiness and democracy are false gods who must be destroyed. Boys are brought up from an early age to enroll in US universities and to marry American women to obtain citizenship “so that they can turn the Constitution against you.”

Muslims are strong in Europe and becoming increasingly rooted in American society. There are over 500 lobbyists in the White House. They gain access to large businesses and media, managing to influence coverage.

A car crash brought Saleem to Christ, after he saw His love demonstrated through caring Christian individuals.

Saleem challenged the audience, even addressing children by asking “who will tell them nothing is going to happen, everything will be ok, nobody’s going to invade your world or take your home?”

He concluded with quotes from the book of Isaiah, cautioning that if we fail to sound the alarm, blood will be on our hands. “Who will stand for what’s right, and good and pure?”

Ashland Times Gazette Friday, May 6 National Day of Prayer Community Breakfast, John C. Myers Convocation Center Ashland University Ashland Ohio.

For anyone who is not surprised by what this man has revealed or reminded us of, how will you respond?

For those reading this and understanding it for the first time, how will you respond?

I don’t know for myself how I will carry this information. It is a matter for much prayer. Saleem is not the first Islam converted to Christianity who has taken this stand. Others have done so, but are congratulated on their conversion and for their US citizenship and sent on their way. No one really wants to believe, from the depths of their heart, that this scenario could happen; “not in my back yard”. The common man wants to believe that it is something far away and in a distant future time.

Surely we are in the days of judgment. Even those who do not know Christ in a personal way, are commenting that we are at risk. Despite the extreme weather situations, the devastations such as the gulf oil spill, and the European economic crisis, they, and others with better knowledge are still keeping their distance from God. Why? Does human kind, in human fallible flesh still believe they can solve these problems all on their on? Do they believe no-one greater than themselves can lift them out of this trouble?

Can you believe that there will be a greater kingdom, ruled by the faultless and perfect God? This is our salvation from the devastation that is before us – that is in front of our own children’s and grandchildren’s lives.

The bible tells us of the very circumstances we are now seeing. If this mighty God can orchestrate these events in progress for many decades, why could He not guide every individual’s step? Nations are unraveling, nature is becoming released, and evil is on the rampage and washing over every part of our lives. Yet God offers us love and protection, and an escape from eternal death!

Believe it. We need God!

April Boyer © May 2010

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